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My thoughts on the Scratch banning system

Let me launch you in on a little story. One day, I had the pleasure of meeting Spotty. It was on an alt, of course, and we took an immediate fancy to each other. Now, one day, many weeks later, I was bored like I always was. My thoughts had recently been nagging me about the fact that a shared account seemed fun, but who would I share it with? At this point, you probably know who I did. I took my idea to Spotty, and we agreed to make an account called CrazySpagettiNoodles. We based it off a theme of spaghetti, and it started to rack in popularity immediately. Now, at the time, I had no idea that making a shared account was against the community guidelines. Well, it was. So a week later, my account gets a ban, just because I didn't read the guidelines so hard that my eyes hurt. Like many other people out there. If you look at Scratch today, there are a lot of people who just seemed to quit. I mean, they're not active anymore, so what else can it be? Well, your prior assumptions were probably wrong. If they don't leave some kind of message that they're leaving, it's most likely that they suffered the following fate. They were banned. As you see here, banning is most easily explained as punishment. So, all of these Scratchers were punished. By being kicked out of the website. I mean, that sounds a little harsh, doesn't it? The answer is yes and no. I yeah, it is a little harsh. But, the Scratch Team just assumes they broke the guidelines on purpose just for trouble. But they don't even give a warning. I had a friend, and yesterday, she told me (not on Scratch :P), that her account was deleted. Deleted, people. She said she did literally nothing wrong, and the next day, her account was gone. That's a problem. If they keep deleting accounts for no reason at all, that's a big problem. Same with my other friend. They were banned because they rickrolled too many people. As you can see, there's obviously something wrong with the bans. Now, back to the other people. Why were they banned? We'll never know. All I know is that, they didn't deserve it. I mean, yeah, sometimes a dangerous hacker comes, and they need to be banned, but most of the time, it's just innocent people. I think they should improve the system. But will they ever? We'll never know. Ummmmmmmm this is it. Bye.

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yeah i just wanted to say that

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